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Table 2 DE-CT imaging characteristics of all 70 clots

From: Multimaterial decomposition in dual-energy CT for characterization of clots from acute ischemic stroke patients

Clot characteristics

All clots (n = 70)

RBC-rich (n = 13)

F/P-rich (n = 23)

Mixed (n = 34)

Storage time, h, mean ± standard deviation (range)

49 ± 38 (1−173)

43 ± 30 (6−93)

48 ± 30 (1−106)

51 ± 45 (4−173)

Attenuation, HU, mean ± standard deviation

46 ± 9

51 ± 10

42 ± 8

47 ± 9

Effective Z value, mean ± standard deviation

7.2 ± 0.1

7.1 ± 0.1

7.2 ± 0.1

7.2 ± 0.1

  1. Mean storage time (p = 0.893) and effective Z values (p = 0.544) showed no significant group difference between RBC-rich, F/P-rich, and mixed thrombi using nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis. Mean attenuation showed only a significant difference between RBC-rich and F/P-rich thrombi (p < 0.01) in the Dunn-Bonferroni post hoc test. Mean attenuation of mixed thrombi showed no significant difference between RBC-rich (p = 0.250) and F/P-rich thrombi (p = 0.160). F/P Fibrin/platelets, RBC Red blood cells